
Why be a Blindex® specialized installer?
- Only the Blindex® specialized installer is capable to offer a differentiated and standardized service in the whole national territory;
- The Blindex® specialized installer is trained and properly identified;
- The training improves the attendance to the final consumer.
Blindex® specialized installer certification
The trained installer must be employee or service provider of any Blindex® Resellers and will be certified only by those that have a signed contract with some Blindex® franchisee in the region. At the end of the training, the installer will receive a certificate and a Blindex® Specialized Installer identification badge valid for 12 months, when a new training must be taken.

What is the qualification of the Blindex® specialized Installer?
- Basic knowledge about the glass and the security strengthened glass;
- Reading and interpreting drawings and sketches;
- Understanding measures;
- Use of measuring devices (measure tape, metric scale);
- Use of angles devices (square, plumb, level);
- Use of tools (drill bits and types of drills, screwdriver, wrench, allen wrench, pliers);
- Knowledge of the security rules in the handling and installing safety strengthened glass;
- Reading and comprehending the instructions handbooks provided by Blindex®.
For further information about the Blindex® Training Program, contact the Blindex® Reseller where your services are offered.