Project "Equilibre"
The “Equilibre” Project seeks to stimulate the harmony between the main elements that promote the welfare of the employees and officers of NSG Group in Brazil.
Promoting specific actions for each one of these aspects, the “Equilibre” main objective is the involvement of the entire workforce of NSG Group in Brazil in promoting healthy, safe and balanced behaviors for the common welfare and quality of life, and to encourage a pleasant relationship between company and community.

- Daily safety message: Daily bulletin sent by e-mail to all employees in order to make them aware about their acts and behaviors, emphasising safety.
- SIPAT: Internal week of prevention of accidents promotes safe behaviors of all workers in both production and administrative areas.
- Safety Day: Promotes the safe behavior of all workers of NSG Group in every NSG Group site across the world.
- Industrial Games: Sending messages to employees about the importance of sports for maintaining health and quality of life.
- Environmental Message: Weekly communication sent by e-mail to employees in order to encourage them to act in a sustainable way in their daily activities.
Leisure and Culture
- Thematic June’s Lunch: Special menu offered to all and raffle of prizes to the employees.
- JOIS (SESI’S industrial Games): Support to the annual event that occurs offering 29 (individual and collective) sporting modalities.
- Communication: Informative sent to the employees addressing the importance of the volunteering to the individual and social welfare.
- Coat Campaign: Support to the “Coat Campaign”. Collection of clothes, shoes and blankets donated to charities.
- Children’s Day: Partnership with SESI with the objective of integrating the community in social projects supported by the NSG Group.